ESPN to make ‘TigerCam’ idea come true: ESPN3 will live-stream Woods’ British Open rounds

Call me a visionary. Call me media-savvy when it comes to golf. Go ahead. Because it was almost 2 years ago that I asked why some broadcaster couldn’t tee up what golf fans really wanted — 24/7 coverage of Tiger Woods. And now, ESPN is doing just that for the upcoming British Open, live-streaming every round that Tiger will play on its ESPN3 Internet channel.

Like the very successful Megacast of the most recent BCS Championship game, I think ESPN’s decision to offer one of its many outlets as all Tiger, all the time, is brilliant. I’ll even go out on a limb here and predict that for the first 2 days of the tournament, the ESPN3 Tiger feed will outdraw the regular ESPN coverage. OK maybe not but it will be huge, and it will set online golf watching records — I’ll bet a virtual pint of warm ale on that.

Say what you will about Woods as a person, and call him washed up as a golfer. There is still a huge army of people who, whether they are Tiger fans or just Tiger followers, find him so far more compelling than any other pro golfer currently playing that they would watch him playing mini-golf before they watch, say, Zach Johnson or Brendt Snedeker.

No offense guys. Your results show you’re outstanding golfers. But when it comes to professional golf, there’s nobody currently active who moves the needle like Woods — not even Phil Mickelson, who is also a tremendous golfer in his own right. But have you watched Phil play? A lot? It’s an exercise in pain, most of the time. When will Phil crack is a much different show than the Tiger show. And it’s a brilliant move by ESPN, because nobody can claim they are shirking other coverage just to show Tiger. That’s the beauty of multiple streams from the same event… and let’s hope this is just the first of many such experiments. Bravo, ESPN!