California Governor Newsom says no live-audience sports until ‘therapeutics’ are available

Gavin Newsom, governor of California, tweeted out some information Tuesday on a staged approach California will take toward re-opening the economy following the current coronavirus shutdowns — and it’s not good news for those looking forward to returning to live sports events in the state anytime soon.

In a tweet thread where he said “Our re-opening must be gradual, guided by public health and science,” Newsom outlined four stages of “re-opening,” starting with Stage 1 of “Safety and Preparedness,” which is what the state currently does with stay-at-home measures. In Stage 2 Newsom forsees opening of “lower-risk workplaces,” including retail, manufacturing and some offices. It isn’t until Stage 3 when Newsom foresees opening “higher-risk workplaces,” where his list includes “sports without live audiences.”

Then finally he gets to Stage 4, where the “end of the stay-at-home order” includes live audiences for sports events, but only “once therapeutics have been developed.” According to news reports, Newsom said Phase 3 and Phase 4 are likely “months away.”

According to news reports, the first “Phase 2” openings could be weeks away, Newsom said. It’s not yet apparent whether the Stage 4 phase will require a vaccine, or if “therapeutics” means other kinds of treatments. We will continue to follow this story and provide updates as we get them.

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